Sunday, January 24, 2010

Pregnancy Story/Journal

I wasn't sure what to tile this post, I just wanted to get it written down before I forgot any details or dates.  We found out we were pregnant on June 9th, and the only reason we found out that day is because we had an appointment scheduled with a fertility specialist on the 10th and they told me to make sure I took a pregnancy test before I came.  I actually took the test on the 8th, and it was negative so I threw it away.  The next day I couldn't stop thinking about something my sister Kari had told me, "those tests change after you throw them away," of course I didn't really believe her because I was so frustrated and had almost given up that we would really get pregnant.  We had a miscarriage in March of 2008 and had not had any luck since.  So, I got home from work and started cleaning up the house, when I took the garbage out in the bathroom I decided to look at the test again and this is what I saw...

My heart started pounding instantly and I didn't know what to do.  I took it to Nate and asked him if it looked positive and he didn't know what to say. (I don't blame him, I was such an emotional roller coaster..) He said just take another test, well of course I didn't have any.  So, I went to the local pharmacy and bought a 2 pack.  I had to be sure!  I then took this picture and texted it to my friend Jennifer and asked if it looked positive to her...she said yes, which made me feel better! So, I called and cancelled my appointment with the fertility specialist and then just tried to breathe in and out and pray that this was for real.  I wanted to be able to surprise my family, but Kari knew I was supposed to go to the specialist so she called me to see how the appointment went and I couldn't lie to her so I told her we didn't go and she knew right away.  
I saw my Dr. the next week and they did a two blood draws two days apart to make sure my HCG levels were doubling.  They were which was good news.  We decided to send Nate's mom flowers since she is in Oregon.  The card said,  "Thanks for being a great mom, but we know you will be an even better Grandma."  She got the flowers and emailed me at work and thanked me for them....just a normal thanks.  She didn't get Nate called her and she thanked him and then he asked her what she thought the card meant...then the light bulb went off and she got it.  She was very excited, of course.  
I had an ultrasound on the 26th of June to make sure there was a heartbeat and there was!

 It was exciting and I felt like I could relax...a little bit.  We went to dinner with my family that weekend to celebrate Fathers Day and Nate couldn't wait any longer he was ready to tell everyone.  I took my parents flowers that morning with a card that said, "we hope you are ready for # 9".  Well my dad of course ignored them on the counter, and my Mom didn't get home until about a 1/2 hour before we were supposed to go to dinner.  She called me and just started a normal conversation, then she said...there are some flowers here and a card but I don't know if I should open it, I said well if they are on your counter they are probably for you.  She called back in less than a minute and was crying, of course..I think she was pretty shocked.  So we got to dinner and Nate told everyone the worst day of Reghan's life would be here in February and showed everyone the US pic.  (Rick has tried to warn his girls that their life is going to change once I have a baby, we spend a lot of time with them and they get a lot of attention from us) 
We had our 20 week Ultrasound on October 8th, it was neat to see everything and all of the features.  We didn't get very good pictures from the one at the doctors office so we went to Fetal Foto on October 12th and got better pictures and a video.  (Of course, a lot of people think this was a waste of money since we aren't finding out the sex)  I am so glad we did it, the baby yawned during the video and it was really cool to see.  (I will post the video if I can figure it out)

The whole pregnancy has been exciting, I am ready to have this baby but I am also going to miss being pregnant.  Feeling that baby move inside of you is just something you can't explain.  

This was around 24 weeks

36 weeks

Fun facts and dates:

Thrown up: 2 times..same day and I am pretty sure it was the flu

First felt the baby move: October 2nd we were at the San Diego Zoo

I feel like I have had a pretty easy pregnancy, I have had some back and sciatic issues and I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes at 29 weeks, but it hasn't been that bad. I check my blood sugars and have to inject insulin in the morning and at night. 

Names and gender from the nieces and nephews:

  •       Canyon: Wants it to be a boy, because we need more boys...doesn't care about the name
  •       Rocky: Boy,  thinks the name should be Indiana Jones Rocky
  •       Reghan: Girl, thinks the name should be Sarah
  •       Tailor: Agrees with Reghan but her girl name comes out Tara..and if it's a boy-Scooby
  •       Maggie: Thinks its a girl..but keeps changing her mind and names



  1. Thanks for the blog invite. I will invite you to mine too if I haven't already?? I want to send you something for the baby, so please email me your address. I will keep watching your blog to find out what the little peanut is. What a great story...AMAZING!!

  2. Hey Kristen..I don't think I was invited to yours. Send me the link. Thanks. I will post on the blog or facebook as soon as I can!
