Sunday, February 7, 2010


So, I have heard that you will never love your spouse and much as you do when you see them as a parent and this is true in my case! Nate has been the best dad and it melts my heart every time I see him with Carter.  The first night we were home we went to bed and put Carter in his bassinet before we could even put our heads on our pillows he started fussing...Nate got up, picked him up went out on the recliner and held him.  They both slept until 3:30 when I had to get up to feed him.  I know this isn't the best way to start teaching Carter where he sleeps, but to me it was the sweetest thing I have ever seen.  Plus I got like 4 hours of much needed sleep!  I am so lucky to have the husband I do and Carter is lucky to have the dad he does!


  1. I'm not surprised! I always knew Nate was an old softie!

  2. His Aunt Alice is not surprised either! You might look tough on the outside, Nathan, but you're a teddy bear inside!
