Thursday, March 21, 2013

Conversations with Carter

I am trying to capture the funny things that Carter says.  This is probably only half of them because I forget so fast but I am going to try and write them down right after so I can remember!

We had been telling you we were going to Oregon for months and the time was finally here. We were on our way to the airport and you kept spotting planes.  All of a sudden you got really nervous that we were supposed to be on one of those planes and you yelled out “Plane! Stop! Don’t leave us!”

I was late getting to Karen’s to pick you up and you obviously figured it out because all of the other kids had left.  Karen said you were kind of pacing and acting stressed and finally you just said: “Karen, where is your phone? I need to call mine Mom”

It was getting close to the 4th of July and decorations were out around the house.  On the wall we have block letters of U S A.  You knew was the “A” was, but you kept asking me what the other ones were.  I told you that they were U S A…You reply with “Oh! Me S A”

Driving to Salt Lake one morning. “Mom-look at all the snow on the mountains. “ Yep.  “ That’s not berry good”

Carter: Mom, Nana said a bad word
Me: what did she say?
Carter: she say, Carter don't kick

I was getting ready for work and you asked what I was doing. I told you I was getting ready to go to work and you said why are you going to work?  I said to bring home the bacon.  (mostly just to get you to stop asking so I could get ready) Then about an hour later as I am taking you to Karen you say “I will just go with you to make the bacon.”

You weren’t feeling good and all you wanted was popsicles, but you had already had at least 3. You started begging for another Popsicle. I told you no and you reply “my doctor going to be mad at you guys”

For almost 3 weeks I heard this every day on the way home from Karens when we passed the churg “Hagen says that's a church, and it's not a church, it's a church house”

One night I was not feeling well and Nate was at work.  I was lying on the couch and you knew I was sick.  You walked up to me with the nicest look on your face and said “Just go to bed then. Brother can be my Mom. “

Carter: Mom dad said a bad word.
Me: What did he say?
Carter: He called me a dork and me not a dork.

Carter: Mom I don't even have a back hoe.
Me: Yes you do Carter.
Carter: No, Isaac took it home last night.
Me: No honey, he brought it back I saw him.
Carter: (In a very frustrated tone) Mom, don't argue with me.

Carter: Mom see those big mountains?
Me: Yep I do.
Carter:  When I get home from Karen's I'm going to ride my bike all the way to the top. K?
Every day either when I'm taking you or dropping you off at Karen’s house you say “ I sure wish Mike would fix this road “ ( I have a feeling you have heard that more than once from Karen)

You walked in the bathroom and there was some leftover “stuff” left in the toilet. You gasped and said, “who made this mess?”  I said dad.  You went out to Nate and said in your most serious voice “Dad you must clean the toilet!”

Having a break down as I'm putting you to bed- “mom, me never get to go to the movie theatre.”

Driving to Kari's house early in the morning you say, “it sure is dark. Mom I think we are driving through a dark jungle forest “